
Canberk Yurt is a designer who practices various dimensions of design through a multidisciplinary perspective and experimental approach. Based on his practical and academic experiences in Industrial Design and Design Studies, he seeks alternative ways of creating value, shifting perceptions, and redefining the experiential aspects of the interaction among artificial and natural entities. Through the “Maker” movement, he develops experiment-based design solutions and, vice versa integrates designer attitudes into maker applications. This cross-fertilization nurtures creative opportunities and original realizations.
Following this relationship, he defines a suitable profile for the FabLab environment. Thus, he has been one of the members of FabLab Iztech from the beginning to the present, focusing on establishment, facilitation, development, and sustainment. Right now, he is coordinating the operations in the FabLab Iztech, leading and helping scientific research and R&D projects, and contributing to the workshops and activities as a mentor or facilitator..

Ceyda Çolak is an industrial designer and research assistant at the IZTECH Industrial Design Department, currently serving as the assistant coordinator at FabLab. In this dual role she dedicated to integrating the culture of making and the potential of digital fabrication with education. Her professional journey is deeply rooted in the exploration of innovative design thinking, where she seeks to merge hands-on making experiences with cutting-edge digital fabrication techniques. As a member of the FabLab team, she is committed to utilizing the capabilities of FabLab to contribute creatively to the future of industrial design.

Şebnem Gür is an architect with a design background in a wide range with several years of hands on work experience. Apart from architectural projects, she has been involved in digital modelling/sculpting and animation. Taking active part in the sector before joining the academic field, she is able to combine both the theoretic and practical aspects of design and application. The main focus of her studies are kinematics and adaptable structures, which melts together product design, mechanical and structural design and material knowledge. Being involved in the “Maker” movement, one of her goals is to study the applications of such structures in real life.
Apart from her professional work, she is a committed ceramicist who still keeps on learning and experimenting. She is currently working on casting methods primarily for ceramic applications, but also for the production of objects of different materials. Although being a new member of the FabLab family, her versatility is welcome in FabLab and the ceramic workshop, presenting both her and the students a great opportunity, hopefully leading to novel researches and applications in the future.